Friday, April 10, 2009

April Springs Up at Clifton

CLIFTON MAKES THE NEWS......Our Clifton Toastmasters Club was featured in the latest issue of Toastmasters magazine.  We'll have a link to the article shortly on the website, but if you have access to the magazine, please take a look.  It was a great article and we've already received a couple of inquiries regarding our club.  Thanks so much to the District and State Toastmasters officers for spreading the word about Clifton.   Clifton Toastmasters wouldn't be possible without the great support of North Avenue Presbyterian Church and we're eternally grateful to them for making this exciting program available to our guests.  

MORE NEWS......  Thanks to Gay Arneri and Sarah Wynn, there's a really nice article in the Clarion, the newspaper of Lake Claire Neighborhood.  This edition is all about Earth Day and we were asked to write a piece about the beautiful land that we call home.  WE LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS!!!!

GARDENING....last year we planted a small garden on our property and the guys enjoyed cabbage, peppers, and  banana peppers.  We'd like to do that again, but increase the size and scope of our garden.  But we need help!  If you like to garden and would be willing to share your green thumb with others, please contact Alice at (404) 373-3253 x1.  The guys are happy to help, but we need someone to help us get started. 

CRAWLY THINGS......we love God's creation, but would prefer that crawly things crawl around outside.  Just like in your house, our kitchen is clean, the food is put up, but occasionally we find crawly things.  If you know someone in the pest control business that would like to donate their crawly thing elimination service, please call Alice at (404) 373-3253 x1. 

MOVING DAY ARRIVES...we're excited that two wonderful men moved across the street from the shelter to Joe's Place, our transitional house.  Tim and Jerome were thrilled to have the opportunity and we're ecstatic that they're both going to be around for a while longer.  If you're not familiar with Joe's Place, guys must have income to move to Joe's Place, they are responsible for their own meals, cleaning their apartments, and are pretty much on their own.  They receive intensive counseling on financial planning, credit repair, job skills, and, if appropriate, they are encouraged to reconnect with their families.   Congratulations Tim and Jerome!!!!  

OTHER MOVING NEWS....Alice reports that many of our guys are finding housing and moving out.  She said that we've been able to add several new guys this week to take the place of those who have moved.  Many of the new guests are older than usual and homeless for the first time - mainly due to manifestations from our shaky economy.  Keep these guys in your prayers.  They also have great work skills - most of they new guys are veterans, so if you know of a company that is hiring, please keep our guys in mind. 

$$$$....The great work that goes on at Clifton wouldn't be possible without the financial investment that our volunteers and donors continue to make.  We hope you'll add Clifton to your investment portfolio.  The returns are fabulous and you don't have to worry about what the Dow Jones is doing.....  Simply click on the "donate" button on our home page and Paypal will take it from there!  

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